Tuesday, March 2


Apgar score : tes segera/awal yg dilakukan pada 1 menit dan 5 pertama setelah kelahiran. 1 menit menilai seberapa bagus bayi menghadapi kelahiran. 5 menit melihat adaptadi kbayi dengan leingkungan baru. Ratingnya berdasarkan total score 1 sampai 10, 10 berarti bayi paling sehat.

Appearence color (warna kulit)
bdn merah, extrem biru
seluruh tubuh kemerahan

Pulse(heart rate)
tdk ada
> 100

Grimace (reaksi terhadap rangsang)
tdk ada
sdikit grakan mimik
menangis, batuk/bersin

Activity(tonus otot)
extremitas dalam fleksi sedikit
gerakan aktif

Respiration(usaha nafas)
tidak ada
lemah, tidak teratur
menangis kuat


a) Appearance Color
Skin color:
0 : If the skin color is pale blue
1 : If the body is pink and the extremities are blue
2 : If the entire body is pink

b) Pulse
Heart rate is evaluated by stethoscope.
0 : If there is no heartbeat
1 : If heart rate is less than 100 beats per minute
2 : If heart rate is greater than 100 beats per minute

c) Grimace
Grimace response or reflex irritability is a term describing response to stimulation such as a mild pinch:
0 : If there is no reaction to stimulation
1 : If there is grimacing/feeble cry when stimulated
2 : If there is grimacing and a cough, sneeze, or vigorous cry when stimulated

d) Activity

Muscle tone:
0 : If muscles are loose and floppy
1 : If there is some muscle tone
2 : If there is active motion

e) Respiration
Breathing effort :
0 : If the infant is not breathing
1 : If the respirations are slow or irregular
2 : If the infant cries well

Klasifikasi klinik
• 7-10 : normal
• 4-6 : asfiksia ringan-sedang
• 0-3 : asfiksi berat

A. 1 menit menilai seberapa bagus bayi menghadapi kelahiran.
B. 5 menit melihat adaptasi bayi dengan lingkungan baru. Ratingnya berdasarkan total score 1 sampai 10, 10 berarti bayi paling sehat.

Any score lower than 8 indicates the child needs assistance. Scores below 5 indicate that the infant needs immediate assistance in adjusting to his or her new environment. However, a child who has a low score at 1 minute and a normal score at 5 minutes should not have any long-term problems.